An Amazing Birthing Experience!

Modern, Skilled Maternity Care


Heartfelt Maternity Care

The birth of your baby is one of the most memorable, life-changing, and exciting experiences of your life. Have peace of mind throughout your pregnancy knowing that you and your baby will receive the very best medical care locally at Glacial Ridge Healthcare in Glenwood, Minnesota. Enjoy a birthing experience that exceeds your expectations in prenatal care, delivery and post-natal care. A joyous beginning for your baby and family!


with state-of-the-art labor
and delivery technology.


that you can trust with your care and questions.


with parenting sources for your family.

2 women
Heartfelt Care Logo

A Healthy Pregnancy & Baby Start at GRHS!

Mothers-to-be receive full support from medical professionals — obstetricians, family medicine physicians, an accredited midwife, certified nurse practitioners, and a certified lactation consultant.

Prenatal, labor and delivery, and postpartum care focusing on your needs from both physicians and a certified nurse midwife (CNM)

Education is important during this life’s milestone. To be prepared, join one of our Expecting Parent Classes.

Newborn screening, medical care assessment, infant care support, well visits and more. Everything that your baby needs to be healthy.

Preganancy Care

& Beyond

Pregnant woman in yellow dress

Stages of Pregnancy

Pregnant woman suffering from pain

Pain Management

Pregnant woman and doctor talking

Prenatal Care

Woman on counch with labor pains

Labor and Delivery

Mom breastfeeding baby


Birthing Suite

Birthing Suites

The comfortable birthing suites at Glacial Ridge Health System are perfect for your family. Large and luxurious — featuring state-of-the-art labor and delivery technology, jacuzzi tubs for labor and post-delivery, and even an impressive water-birthing suite.

Birth Center Tour

Know what to expect before you arrive! Taking a Birth Center Tour can help ease your mind so that when the big day comes you can focus on the important things... you and your new baby.

pregnant woman on phone

Start Prenatal Care

doctor and patient

Get obstetric care when you need it. Easily schedule an appointment with a OB/Gyn or midwife in a timely manner.

Pregnant lady journaling, logging

Work with your maternity care team to create a birthing plan. We will honor your wishes while providing the very best medical care.

Mom and Baby

3. Enjoy Your
New Baby

Snuggle that new little baby and enjoy a safe, healthy and joyous beginning for your family.

New Arrivals

Maxine James
Date of Birth: 01/29/2025 Parents: Brooke and Zach
Edward Cole
Date of Birth: 01/29/2025 Parents: Shayla and Jonas
Mackinze Mae
Date of Birth: 01/17/2025 Parents: Gena and Ryan
Sophi Ann
Date of Birth: 01/15/2025 Parents: Lakeasha and Chance
Noah Andrew
Date of Birth: 01/13/2025 Parents: Danielle and David
Kaenon Rae-Baelfyre
Date of Birth: 01/09/2025 Parents: Racheal and Scott
Jane Elizabeth
Date of Birth: 01/06/2025 Parents: Erica and Matthew
Jack Dean
Date of Birth: 01/04/2025 Parents: Anna and Austin
Tucker Scott
Date of Birth: 01/04/2025 Parents: Kaley and Marcus
Selah Elaine
Date of Birth: 01/03/2025 Parents: Ruthanna and Kellan
Jamison George
Date of Birth: 01/02/2025 Parents: Sara and Tyler
Jesse Harold
Date of Birth: 12/27/2024 Parents: Logan and Noah
Walker Matthew
Date of Birth: 12/26/2024 Parents: Thea and Quentin
Charlotte Jean
Date of Birth: 12/16/2024 Parents: Dakota and Chris
Adeline Jae
Date of Birth: 12/12/2024 Parents: Sydney and Riley
Cynthia Mailyn
Date of Birth: 12/11/2024 Parents: Paige and Kevin
Lucille Irene
Date of Birth: 12/10/2024 Parents: Brittany and Jordan
Collins Joi
Date of Birth: 12/04/2024 Parents: Alexis and Justin
Bostyn Danger
Date of Birth: 12/03/2024 Parents: Amber and Zach
Rylee Reese
Date of Birth: 11/27/2024 Parents: Abby and Brian

Stories From New Moms... Like You!

Mom Checking Baby Heartbeat

Ease Your Mind Before the Big Day!

Know what to expect before the big day. Take a virtual tour of our birthing center, attend an Expecting Parent class, communicate your birth plan, and meet your care team.

At Glacial Ridge Hospital, we can give you peace of mind. We will listen to you and respect your wishes and will do everything possible to ensure you receive the best care throughout your pregnancy and beyond.

Pregnancy News

Your Options for Labor and Pain Management

By Jessie van der Hagen, CNP, CNM, Family Medicine and Midwife When we decide to become mothers we don’t always consider the process of labor and birth. As our pregnancy progresses and comes to an end, we become excited to meet “baby”. We start to think about labor and birth and start preparing for our […]

7 Habits to Begin for Preconception Health

By Elizabeth Ankeny, CNP, Family Medicine Living a healthy lifestyle, at all ages and stages, is important, but did you know a healthy pregnancy often begins well before conception? Whether or not a pregnancy is in your foreseeable future, the below list provides some habits you can adopt now to start a healthy lifestyle: Avoid alcohol, […]

Strong Mom Through Pregnancy and Beyond

A new program specially created just for moms-to-be and their newborns is available in Glenwood! Paige Cooley, certified personal trainer at Glacial Ridge Wellness Center, completed advanced certification to become a pre and postpartum corrective exercise specialist. Whatever your birthing plan goals might be, Paige wants to help you achieve them! Benefits of exercise for […]

The Ups and Downs of Pregnancy Hormones

If the test reads positive, there’s little you can do but make the best of the pregnancy hormone rollercoaster ride! But, here’s what to expect and for how long. By Jessie van der Hagen, CNP, CNM, Family Medicine and Midwifery

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Prepare for Your Journey...

Start Your Birth Plan Here!

Download our free guide to help create your birth plan!

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